Regular giving to church.
I would like to tell you about the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS), a new way of making your regular gifts to the parish instead of traditional standing order.
What are the advantages of PGS? In a nutshell:
· PGS offers individuals the opportunity to give to their parish through a centralised system, with PGS claiming gift aid on your behalf rather than us having to do it at a local level.
· It’s free! Every penny of what you give and every penny of the gift aid claimable (25p for every pound given if you are a UK Taxpayer) comes back to the parish as the central church funds the scheme.
· Because of its scale, PGS claims back people’s gift aid every month, meaning the church is better off from a cash-flow perspective.
· If and when you sign up, you can opt to index link your giving so that it increases with the rate of inflation (although it is important to stress that your permission is sought every year in order for this to happen), meaning that the income of the parish is more likely to keep pace with rising costs.
· Each church has a unique PGS code, ensuring your money is given to the right place
A flyer has been included with this letter giving you more information on the scheme. If you have any questions about the PGS, please contact our Treasurer, Paul Carnell – the easiest way to do this is via email
Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Every blessing