Safeguarding in your parish – who’s who?

The incumbent/priest in charge

 In Vacancy - Please contact The Churchwardens. 

The churchwardens

Mrs Liz Weatherby / Parish office - 01748 810613

Mr John Weatherby / Parish office - 01748 810613


The Parish Safeguarding Officer

Mrs Laura Booth 

01748 810613‬ (Parish office)


The team of licensed/accredited ministers

Reverend Mary Williams 01748 810477


Hall managers and bookers

Ms Katy Hollins 01748 810613


Employed staff

Do you need to work with anyone employed by the church? E.g. cleaners, premises officers/caretakers, administrators

Who co-ordinates work in your church related to children, young people, adults at risk (e.g. Sunday School, youth club, visiting team, transport)?

Ms Alison Beacom 01748 810613‬

Mrs Angela Coleman 01748 810613

Rev Mary Williams 01748 810477

Who are the other youth and children’s/adults at risk’ workers?

Mrs Jean Bath 01748 810613

Mr Dominic Bath 01748 810613

Who will you talk to if you observe or are told about Safeguarding concerns?

 In Vacancy - Please contact The Churchwardens.

Mrs Liz Weatherby - Parish Office 01748 810613

Mr John Weatherby - Parish Office 01748 810613

Mrs Laura Booth 01748 810613‬